The Script Block and Identifying Characters
Why are sheet workers built the way they are?
The One Line Repeating Section
When working ENTIRELY within a single row of a Repeating Section, Roll20 can supply the Row ID.
Less Simple Repeating Sections
Creating more complex repeating sections.
Simple Repeating Sections
How to build a simple repeating section, avoiding commnon pitfalls.
The Perils of Sheet Worker Functions
Many character sheets have functions. Here are the downsides.
A Beginner’s Guide to Repeating Sections
An overview of repeating sections- what they are and how to build them.
Cheating Dice Rolls in Roll20
Do you suspect one of your players is cheating? Here’s what to look for.
Roll20 Rants: Rollable Tables
An unusual post – where I complain about a feature of Roll20 that bugs me.
Why You Must Test Roll20 Sheets on Roll20
Some things to be wary of when making your sheet.
Castle Falkenstein Design – Sheet Workers
The last in a series of character sheet examples.
A Sheet Worker Reprise
A quick overview of rules to follow and pitfalls to avoid
Removing the Dice Icon In Buttons
The dice icon in roll buttons was a great idea. Here’s how to remove it.
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