The Carrington Event was a solar flare in 1859 that unleashed steampunk invention upon the world, and awoke darker, supernatural powers.
Our heroes travel the globe to defeat these monsters secret agenda, while slowly learning they are themselves becoming monsters.
About The Game: System and Setting
The Game Setting & Campaigning
- The Carrington Event IntroAn intro to the game and setting.
Game Mechanics
- Character Design and Gear in the Carrington EventThe basic overview of character design and how equipment works in The Carrington Event.
- Heroic Archetypes in The Carrington EventPick a heroic archetype, to describe what you do and how you are seen.
- Choosing Your Tragic Flaw in the Carrington EventWhat is a Tragic Flaw?
- Eldritch Characters and Monsters in a Steampunk AgeYou are a monster who fights monsters. What does this mean?
- Ability Ranks in The Carrington EventWhat do Ranks mean, when they aren’t just numbers?
- Skills in The Carrington EventWhat Skills and Abilities exist in the world of The Carrington Event?
- Resolving Actions in The Carrington EventHow the action system works
- What are Aspects in the Carrington Event?What are aspects and how are they used?
- Advancement in The Carrington EventWhat do you get with experience?
- What about Achievements in The Carrington Event?Achevements are a useful reward – give characters experience when their player learns the rules.
- Manifestations in The Carrington EventWhat are Manifestations, and how do you get Eldritch Powers?
- Eldritch Powers in The Carrington EventWhat are Eldritch Powers and what can you do with them?
- Your Endgame in The Carrington Event (Dread, Apotheosis, and Retirement)You can work towards an ultimate endgame for your character. Here’s how that works.
Designing The Sheet
- Planning a New Sheet LayoutCSS Grid is a very good way to lay out a new sheet.
- Laying Out Abilities on the Carrington SheetLet’s show how easy it is to build a list of attributes and their ratings.
- The Bio Tab in the Carrington SheetAdding a descriptive section to the character sheet, including a use of the Universal Tabs feature.
- Adding a Description to the Carrington SheetThe small description section of the sheet is deceptive in its compexity.
- Managing Experience in the Carrington SheetTraining Experience includes a bunch of complicated elements. We’ll use a floating box to include these.
- How Many Abilities in the Carrington SheetThis part of the sheet needs some heavy sheet working. Let’s go through that.
- Buying an Ability in the Carrington SheetOne sheet worker is very complex. Here’s a breakdown of that worker.
- A variety of systems in the Carrington SheetThese sections of the sheet all use the same techniques, and may be the simplest.
- Eldritch Powers in the Carrington SheetPlayer characters are each touched by the supernatural. Here’s how to manage that in the character sheet.
- Wounds in the Carrington SheetThis tiny section builds heavily on the last two posts.
- Rolls and the Rolltemplate in the Carrington SheetEach skill name and the ranks in the sidebar are turned into a CRP button, and a custom roll template is used to display rolls.
- The Sidebar Front of the Carrington SheetThe front of the sidebar includes a bunch of buttons to make the lives of players easier.
- The Sidebar Back of the Carrington SheetHere we look at the back of the Sidebar. It’s not used very often, but there are some important tools here.
- Campaign Settings for the Carrington SheetThe sheet has a lot of popups asking “Are You Sure?” Here we see how that is done.