Managing Experience in the Carrington Sheet
Training Experience includes a bunch of complicated elements. We’ll use a floating box to include these.
Posting Schedule
What days will I post, and on what topics?
Ability Ranks in The Carrington Event
What do Ranks mean, when they aren’t just numbers?
Adding a Description to the Carrington Sheet
The small description section of the sheet is deceptive in its compexity.
Skills in The Carrington Event
What Skills and Abilities exist in the world of The Carrington Event?
The Bio Tab in the Carrington Sheet
Adding a descriptive section to the character sheet, including a use of the Universal Tabs feature.
The Carrington Event Intro
An intro to the game and setting.
Laying Out Abilities on the Carrington Sheet
Let’s show how easy it is to build a list of attributes and their ratings.
Planning a New Sheet Layout
CSS Grid is a very good way to lay out a new sheet.
Universal Tabs for Sheets and More Conditional CSS
A universal solution for tabs or areas of a sheet that are hidden on command.
Handlebars Templating: Partials
Partials are little templates within templates.
Handlebars Templating: Helpers
What are Helpers and How To use Them.
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