Tag: Rolls with Memory
Final Thoughts on CRP Opposed Rolls With Sorcerer
Handling a complication with this approach, and dealing with the complications with that solution!
CRP Opposed Rolls With Memory In Sorcerer
Sorcerer presents several challenges in roll20 – here’s how we can use CRP to solve those issues.
CRP: Sorcerer
Sorcerer has an unusual dice roll system, and we’ll look at how to use it in this and two more posts.
Invisible Rolls and Nesting startRoll
Using some unusual aspects of CRP to make opposed rolls easier.
CRP: True Opposed Rolls in Pendragon
After the last few posts, we are now ready to build a true opposed roll system for Pendragon.
CRP: Saved Rolls In Opposition
We have seen how to save rolls for later. We’ll now build on that method for a quick way to make opposed rolls,
CRP Rolls with Memory
In this post, we’ll look at how to save the last Pendragon Roll. This is vital for the upcoming Opposed Rolls.
CRP: Pendragon Rolls
Pendragon uses a simple d20 system that hides a lot of complexity. Let’s see how to do it.
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