Category: Custom Roll Parsing
CRP: True Opposed Rolls in Pendragon
After the last few posts, we are now ready to build a true opposed roll system for Pendragon.
CRP: Saved Rolls In Opposition
We have seen how to save rolls for later. We’ll now build on that method for a quick way to make opposed rolls,
CRP Rolls with Memory
In this post, we’ll look at how to save the last Pendragon Roll. This is vital for the upcoming Opposed Rolls.
CRP: Pendragon Rolls
Pendragon uses a simple d20 system that hides a lot of complexity. Let’s see how to do it.
Sending Messages and Asking Questions in Roll20 Sheets
CRP offers some interesting opportunities beyond rolling dice. Here are some ideas.
CRP: Spell Slots
How to manage spell slots (or track any resource) using CRP.
CRP: Essence 20
The Essence 20 is pretty laborious to emulate, but can be simple with CRP.
CRP: OctaNe and Inspectres
You want to roll some dice and read the result from a table. This got way more involved than intended…
CRP: Criticals on Multiple Dice (HERO and GURPS)
Do you want to create a critical or a fumble from multiple dice?
CRP: Fudge and Fate
Fudge and Fate use unique dice and report the result as an adjective. Here’s how to do that.
CRP: Damage Rolls in Champions
Champions has 3 different kinds of damage roll. Here’s how to handle them all.
Custom Roll Parsing: A Detailed Example
A complete worked example of a “simple” CRP.
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