Category: Sheet Author
Do you want to make a character sheet or tweak an existing one? You’ll need to grasp HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and roll20 has its own tweaks that makes each of those a little more complicated. Don’t worry though – that’s where this blog comes in. If you’re a newbie to any of these things, you’ll find help here.
Why You Must Test Roll20 Sheets on Roll20
Some things to be wary of when making your sheet.
Castle Falkenstein Design – Sheet Workers
The last in a series of character sheet examples.
A Sheet Worker Reprise
A quick overview of rules to follow and pitfalls to avoid
Removing the Dice Icon In Buttons
The dice icon in roll buttons was a great idea. Here’s how to remove it.
Function Library
Reusing code saves a lot of typing and avoids typos. Here’s how to do it.
Functions and the Fat Arrow
What are functions? What is the fat arrow syntax? How they make code easier to write.
Template Literals
What is a template literal? There are three types of quotation mark???
The Ternary Operator – The One-Line If
My favourite feature of JavaScript is just as useful in Roll20.
setAttrs and Saving Attributes
Saving attributes isn’t always simple! more about that here.
Action Buttons
Action Buttons are another way to launch sheet workers. Click the button to toggle buffs, show or hide tabs, and more.
Changes and the eventInfo Object
What is the eventInfo object, and what is it good for. Find out here.
Events, and watching Attributes
When you click a button or change an attribute, here’s what happens.
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