Category: Sheet Author
Do you want to make a character sheet or tweak an existing one? You’ll need to grasp HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and roll20 has its own tweaks that makes each of those a little more complicated. Don’t worry though – that’s where this blog comes in. If you’re a newbie to any of these things, you’ll find help here.
My Sheet Worker Isn’t Working
An example of examining broken code to fix it, to show what a sheet worker needs.
The getSectionObject Custom Function
Never worry about multiple repeating sections again. Here’s how.
Russian Dolls
One of the best – if clunky – ways is to nest code inside each other.
How to use the repeatingSum function (which you can find on the wiki).
Separate Outputs
The most basic way to handle multiple repeating sections at once.
An introductory post showing the HTML and CSS used in the next 4 posts.
Combining Repeating Sections and Global Stats
How to combine global stats with a repeating section.
The Script Block and Identifying Characters
Why are sheet workers built the way they are?
The One Line Repeating Section
When working ENTIRELY within a single row of a Repeating Section, Roll20 can supply the Row ID.
Less Simple Repeating Sections
Creating more complex repeating sections.
Simple Repeating Sections
How to build a simple repeating section, avoiding commnon pitfalls.
The Perils of Sheet Worker Functions
Many character sheets have functions. Here are the downsides.
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