Category: Sheet Workers
Everything About Numbers In A Sheet Worker
Numbers are sometimes more complicated than they appear.
Action Buttons and the MacroBar
You can’t drag action buttons to the quick macro bar. Now you can!
The Roll20 Sheet for Legends Never Die!
Learn about the Roll20 sheet for Legends Never Die
Repeating Section Function Library
An assortment of sheet worker functions useful for repeaating sections.
The biggest mistake Sheet Worker writers make…
My Sheet Worker Isn’t Working
An example of examining broken code to fix it, to show what a sheet worker needs.
The Script Block and Identifying Characters
Why are sheet workers built the way they are?
The Perils of Sheet Worker Functions
Many character sheets have functions. Here are the downsides.
Castle Falkenstein Design – Sheet Workers
The last in a series of character sheet examples.
A Sheet Worker Reprise
A quick overview of rules to follow and pitfalls to avoid
Function Library
Reusing code saves a lot of typing and avoids typos. Here’s how to do it.
Functions and the Fat Arrow
What are functions? What is the fat arrow syntax? How they make code easier to write.
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