Series: Guide to Sheet Workers
You have a lot of power for automating your sheet. To get the most out of this feature needs some familiarity with javascript, but you can do a lot even when you don’t know what you are doing.
Events, and watching Attributes
When you click a button or change an attribute, here’s what happens.
Changes and the eventInfo Object
What is the eventInfo object, and what is it good for. Find out here.
Action Buttons
Action Buttons are another way to launch sheet workers. Click the button to toggle buffs, show or hide tabs, and more.
setAttrs and Saving Attributes
Saving attributes isn’t always simple! more about that here.
The Ternary Operator – The One-Line If
My favourite feature of JavaScript is just as useful in Roll20.
Template Literals
What is a template literal? There are three types of quotation mark???
Functions and the Fat Arrow
What are functions? What is the fat arrow syntax? How they make code easier to write.
A Sheet Worker Reprise
A quick overview of rules to follow and pitfalls to avoid
Castle Falkenstein Design – Sheet Workers
The last in a series of character sheet examples.
The Perils of Sheet Worker Functions
Many character sheets have functions. Here are the downsides.
The Script Block and Identifying Characters
Why are sheet workers built the way they are?
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