Series: Guide to Rolltemplates
If you want to control the appearance of your roll’s output, you need to create a custom rolltemplate.
Using a Rolltemplate
A guide to using a rolltemplate.
The Rolltemplate Container
How you have to lay out a rolltemplate.
The Structure of a Rolltemplate
How to create the layout of a simple rolltemplate.
Styling a Rolltemplate
How to style the layout of a rolltemplate – step by step.
rollTemplate Keys and Values
What is a key and value, and can we make it an option to show them?
Using Logic In a Rolltemplate
You can do things conditionally, like “show this, when this is true”
What to Show in rollTemplates
Some examples of trickier dice in rolltemplates, and using logic helpers.
Buttons in Rolltemplates
How to use buttons in rolltemplates, and especially trigger them from chat.
Special Styles for Rolltemplates
Do you want to change the look of rolls, or of your roll output in dark mode? Learn how here.
Rolltemplate Gotchas
A quick reprise of rolltemplates, highlighting things that often trip people (me) up.
Customizing the Default rolltemplate
You can modify the default rolltemplate is available to all sheets.
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