Category: Sheet Author
Do you want to make a character sheet or tweak an existing one? You’ll need to grasp HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and roll20 has its own tweaks that makes each of those a little more complicated. Don’t worry though – that’s where this blog comes in. If you’re a newbie to any of these things, you’ll find help here.
CRP: OctaNe and Inspectres
You want to roll some dice and read the result from a table. This got way more involved than intended…
CRP: Criticals on Multiple Dice (HERO and GURPS)
Do you want to create a critical or a fumble from multiple dice?
Chat Buttons to Launch Abilities
Add buttons in chat to launch abilities from a character sheet. This can be tricky for abilities in a repeating section.
CRP: Fudge and Fate
Fudge and Fate use unique dice and report the result as an adjective. Here’s how to do that.
Action Buttons and the MacroBar
You can’t drag action buttons to the quick macro bar. Now you can!
CRP: Damage Rolls in Champions
Champions has 3 different kinds of damage roll. Here’s how to handle them all.
Custom Roll Parsing: A Detailed Example
A complete worked example of a “simple” CRP.
Callbacks and Promises with startRoll
How to use asynchronous promises with startRoll, maybe the start of something big.
Computed Properties and CRP Roll Templates
One of the special things about CRP is calulating things that aren’t included in the roll.
Using Queries in Custom Roll Parsing
How to handle branching in custom roll parsing, through queries and nesting startRolls.
Changing Attributes with Custom Roll Parsing
Change attributes and roll dice at the same time.
startRoll and Analysing Your Dice
How to extract values from the dice roll object.
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