Inspecting the Browser
Every modern browser has a built-in tool to help you inspect code and test changes instantly.
How To Hide and Reveal Things With CSS
This is an important skill when making character sheets. Here’s how to do it with CSS.
Validating Your Sheet
When your Code Editor isn’t quite enough, use a web page or plugin to find errors faster.
Use a Syntax-Aware Code Editor
How to use a Code Editor to make writing your code easier and faster.
The Custom Sheet Sandbox
How to take exploit Roll20’s best-kept secret for creating character sheets.
Guide to the Guide
What you need to know to begin creating your sheet, and publishing it for others to use.
Character Sheet – HTML Example
An example of building a roll20 Character Sheet for Castle Falkenstein
HTML Fundamentals
The previous pages cover HTML Elements. This is a grab-bag of everything else.
HTML Images
Images make a sheet prettier and nicer to use. Here’s one way to add them to your sheets.
Using Buttons to Make Rolls
Add rolls and macros to the character sheet, that work with just a click!
Conditional Inputs – checkboxes, radios, labels
What are checkboxes and radio buttons? What are labels for? Find out here.
Choosing from a List – select, datalist
When you want to present the player with a list of options, use a select or datalist.
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