Ordering Lists In Translation
You can translate a sheet, but now lists will be out of order. Let’s fix that!
i18n Tags in Sheet Translation
There are more tags than the basic data-i18n tag. they are described here.
House Rule For Healing In Pendragon
Using first aid in Pendragon is a chore, but there’s a really simple solution.
Sheet Translation In A Nutshell
Creating sheets that automatically translate to different languages.
Character Sheet Corruption Will Happen!
A rare but expected danger, especially when creating character sheets.
Ideals in Pendragon – Chivalry and Religion
A tweaked and more balanced version of Chivalry and Relious traits.
CRP: Spell Slots
How to manage spell slots (or track any resource) using CRP.
CRP: Essence 20
The Essence 20 is pretty laborious to emulate, but can be simple with CRP.
Wild Cards – a Narrative Luck system for any game
The Luck system for Starscape gives players a lot of influence, and is easily used in any game.
CRP: OctaNe and Inspectres
You want to roll some dice and read the result from a table. This got way more involved than intended…
CRP: Criticals on Multiple Dice (HERO and GURPS)
Do you want to create a critical or a fumble from multiple dice?
Escape From Murder Island
A micro-game for those sessions when you don’t have enough players
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